We automate your work by mimicking what you do on your screen

Yarado connects business applications to increase your effectiveness. We create silent employees who enable you to reach great heights.

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What problems can Yarado help you with?

Denk eens aan al die uren dat je repetitieve taken uitgevoerd hebt op een computer.

Of het nou kopieerwerk van een Excel-bestandje naar een andere applicatie is, het invullen van formulieren of het verplaatsen van bestanden van de ene folder naar de andere.

Denk nu eens aan afdelingen vol knappe koppen die wereldwijd dit soort taakjes uit moeten voeren.

Die tijd en energie kunnen ze beter in werk steken dat cruciaal is voor je bedrijf. Ook is het demotiverend om dag in, dag uit hetzelfde werk te verrichten.

Dát is wat Yarado oplost.

The perfect copycat.

Yarado's software robot can communicate with a user interface just as a human can, providing ultimate flexibility.

Stay tuned (or not).

You choose whether you want to be informed somewhere in the process. If not, you just get a report of the process in your mailbox.

How Yarado's softwarerobots work

Imagine all the apps you use for work, working together smoothly. Yarado links over a thousand apps so work flows automatically.

Capture tasks step-by-step

Our software robot automates your work by mimicking what you do on your screen, but 10x faster, 24/7 and without errors.

Edit and add funcionality

After you record the process with Yarado, and determine which triggers or rules you want to attach to the process, everything happens automatically.

Make tasks repeatable

Yarado can continue to perform unlimited actions for you and automate an entire process - not just one task. An entire workflow can run in the background while you prepare your pitch for a client, and focus on closing that deal, or spend more time with patients and provide them with appropriate care.

You really feel the magic when you wake up to a message that 1,047 invoices were successfully processed while you slept.

Why companies are excited about Yarado's Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Many advantages

Because it is so flexible, it has many advantages for many departments in the organization.

Yarado adapts very easily

You can use Yarado's RPA to reduce your invoice processing time from 1 week to 1 day.

Lightning-fast ROI

Saving 1 hour a day will already save you money. More results, faster and with less of your own effort.

Let's begin
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Yarado helps your business in several areas


You need to hire fewer people


Achieve more with fewer resources


Speed up your processes


Increase customer and employee satisfaction
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You are 100% guaranteed to save time and money

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2,000 hours saved per customer

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100% Flawless!

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You are 100% guaranteed to save time and money!

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100% guarantee you'll save time & money

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100% Error free!

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100% guarantee you'll save time & money

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2000 hours saved per customer

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100% flawless!

yara finance bot

Yarado works with all your tools

Yarado connects seamlessly to your data systems, API or no API, so you can go to bed feeling confident, knowing everything is running smoothly.

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Is Yarado safe?

Yarado takes security and privacy very seriously. Want to know how Yarado protects your data and our platform? Take a look at the security page.

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How do I automate my initial process?

First of all, you'll need to engage with our team. Once we know what you need, you can access the automation software yourself, or we can help you identify the biggest opportunities for automation, and help you implement them.

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What data sources can Yarado use?

Yarado supports all application environments and data sources. Websites, portals, on-premises applications and cloud-based portals. The robot can handle any application, and of course we support Excel, Email, XML, JSON, CSV, SCV and SQL.

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How does Yarado automate my work?

Yarado automates your work by mimicking what you do on the computer in your applications, and mimicking this information with time- or rule-based triggers.

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Where in my company can I deploy Yarado?

Yarado's RPA technology is extremely flexible, meaning you can deploy it virtually anywhere where repetitive and administrative work is performed.

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What is Yarado?

Yarado is an automation company from the Netherlands. Yarado develops automation software to pick up repetitive work, and helps with implementation where necessary.

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Free of charge until your administrative work is automated

We automate your admin for free and charge nothing until it works. (That's right, no lock-in).

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Jop de Bakker

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