Faster financial services.

Yarado helps finance teams alleviate pressure by automating customer onboarding, billing, and accounting tasks.

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Financial services
Why softwarerobots?

It enables growth in the finance sector.

Staff shortages, increased regulations and IT programs that don't align.

The challenges of today's health care system are getting tougher, and hiring more staff doesn't work anymore.

It's time to unburden your staff so they can focus on what really matters: providing financial services.

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End-to-End Automation

Make your financial services easier.

Financial services

Entering invoice data

Gather data from invoice documents in various layouts and structure them to fit your accounting system.

Financial services

Preparing reports

Generate reports automatically, analyze content and send emails to stakeholders.

Financial services

Financial planning

Automatically process and merge financial documents from different departments to fit into your financial systems.

Financial services


Check for valid invoices and process valid invoices as usual.

Financial services

Improve your KYC

Have robots check public databases, watchlists and other sources to retrieve critical data.

Financial services

Forwarding payments

Review incoming invoices and automatically forward them if they are valid.

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How we automate your admin

API or no API, we automate the tedious administrative work that prevents your team from focusing on what really matters.

Share your work with us

Share your challenges, requirements, desired solution and deadlines with us.

We automate your work

With your input and access to your systems, we automate your administrative work.

Dedicated Automation Expert

Every month we sit down together to see where more automation can be done.

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You are 100% guaranteed to save time and money

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2,000 hours saved per customer

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100% Flawless!

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You are 100% guaranteed to save time and money!

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100% guarantee you'll save time & money

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100% Error free!

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100% guarantee you'll save time & money

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2000 hours saved per customer

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100% flawless!

Frequently Asked Questions

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How quickly can you automate our processes?

85% of processes we automate in less than a week. However, this also depends on how quickly the necessary information and access is provided to us.

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What financial and accounting software can Yarado automate?

In the financial sector, we have successfully automated systems like Visma, Exact, Afas, Quickbooks and more. Yarado is technologically agnostic, so whether something needs to be done physically or in the cloud, has an API or not, we can handle it.

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Can we also start with a proof of concept (POC)?

We have an automation guarantee. If we can't automate something, it won't cost you anything. If it's something we've never done before, we typically partner with a proof of concept. Typically, we take three months to confirm that a solution works, to minimize risk for both parties.

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Can we also hire Yarado to map out all the automation processes?

Yes, if you don't know what processes you can automate and have the right business case, we can help you. Contact us and we will offer you a solution that is specifically tailored to you.

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Not found the answer you're looking for?
No problem!

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Free of charge until your administrative work is automated

We automate your admin for free and charge nothing until it works. (That's right, no lock-in).

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Jop de Bakker

Free 30 min discovery call with our CEO, Jop!